A Step Towards
Healthier Life...
"At Bionova Lifesciences the practice of Medicine is an art, not a trade; a calling, not a business; a calling in which our heart will be exercised equally with our head."
Our Packing
- Nutraceuticals
- Powder Formulations /
Infant Food / Energy Drink - Analgesics / Antipyretics / Anti Inflammatory
- Antacid / Anti Ulcerant / Gastro / Anthlemintic / Laxative / Anti emetic
- Anti allergic / Anti cold/
Anti cough - Anti biotics / Anti bacterial / Anti fungal
- Cosmoceuticals
- Ointments / Lotions
- Soaps / Shampoo
- Ayurvedic / Herbal Products
- Cardiac / Diabetic Range
- Injections
- Covid Care Products
Welcome to Bionova Lifesciences
Bionova Lifesciences is a biotech division of Pragati Biocare Pvt. Ltd., a progressive biotech company with diversified interests in marketing, manufacturing, research and development in areas of nutraceuticals, biotechnology, animal nutrition and biopharmaceuticals.
Bionova is GMP certified nutraceutical manufacturing unit and is accredited by ISO 9001:2008 certificate. It is well equipped with all the modern facilities of manufacturing, intended for offering quality products within & outside India.
We are committed to foster higher standards of Health, economically.
"We all have dreams to be no 1. But in order to make this dream come into reality, it takes lot of determination, dedication, self discipline & efforts" - Sudhir Jain
It was a modest beginning, the year was 1999, two products & three customers - all multiplied manifold with a burning desire to succeed. We started as small trading company as wholesalers of chemicals & herbal extracts. In the year 2001 we launched our brands for marketing of poultry feed supplements. We were well appreciated in the market with our innovative concept of introducing choline replacement formulation for poultry feed (brand: PHOSCHOLINE). Then we followed launching other brands for exclusively used in animal feed.
And, in the year 2002, we started our manufacturing facility for exclusive nutraceutical formulations. After two years of long research, in the year 2003 we launched predigested cereal based infant food branded as PEDIFILL, which was innovative of it’s kind and successfully made a product for infants which was preservative free. In the year 2004 we developed another block buster product branded as HAIRSTIM-HGF a dietary supplement exclusively formulated for hair loss. After a respectable feed back from the market we launched several such innovative formulations, which were successfully branded and marketed in India and South East Asian countries. In the year 2007 we launched another innovative formulation for animal feed as replacement to methionine used as amino acid (brand: NOVAMETH). In the year 2008 our new division was launched with exclusive focus on derma segment. In the year 2009 we launched our exclusive cosmeceutical formulations in the market.
During all these years we have gained massive experience in the manufacturing of nutraceutical formulations and established ourselves as acknowledge leaders in the field. In the year 2010 we were certified with ISO 9001:2008 certification and in the year 2011 our manufacturing facility was certified as GMP unit.
The success story didn't stop there, in the year 2012 Bionova launched its business in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal by expanding its growth. Bionova was awarded The ONICRA "SE 2A" rating in 2013 which stands for the High performance capability and High Financial Strength.
The same year we were awarded The Rashtriya Udyog Ratan Award in recognition of Sterling merit, Excellence performance and Outstanding contribution for the nation and worldwide. We are proud to announce our clinically research product 'Nevipro' Launched in January 2014. Now growing and improving day by day… with more innovations in our formulations and products.
BIONOVA is happy to be associated as your partner in contract manufacturing. With an experience of more than a decade, BIONOVA has evolved as a qualified manufacturer of specialized nutritional supplements. We offer a variety of products ranging from capsules, powder, tablets, granules & liquid.
• We follow high standards of professionalism and business ethics
• Dedication & determination towards the quality of the products
• Striving continuously towards goodwill & improvements for the company
The company has a strong vision to become fully integrated application research oriented multinational company. In future we plan to establish a high technology API manufacturing unit, where core objective will be manufacturing of those nutraceutical ingredients which otherwise are required to import in India.